The Need for Foot Orthotics

We've all heard the lyrics, "the foot bone is connected to the leg bone and the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone." Well -- it's true! All the bones have a part to play in moving the body in a energy-efficient manner. When you consider how much the average worker is on their feet, a small change can yield huge benefits.
People who wear orthotics primarily for foot problems such as plantar fasciitis, heel pain and arch support have found secondary benefits from their orthotics such as reduced back and neck pain.
The reason for this is that insoles, or orthotics, help realign areas of the body and often release energy, trapped muscles, or ligaments that were otherwise overstressed and under supported.
By wearing orthotics daily, you can help correct faulty foot biomechanics which, in turn, help alleviate issues higher up along the body's structure.
For more information and to view our range of insoles and orthotics please visit our page on Choosing The Right Orthotics.