The human foot is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones and 33 joints and more than a hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments. So it's no surprise that we from time to time suffer from foot conditions and foot discomfort!
Orthotic insoles provide the support and stability a shoe’s own insole doesn’t. If you’re worried about foot pain or already feel discomfort in your heels, insoles can help prevent any further pain. Powerstep’s own Pinnacle Maxx Full Length Insoles offer a firmer shell and angled heel platform to give extra support to your foot’s heel and arch. Insoles like the Pinnacle Maxx provide maximum cushion to comfort your feet and combat symptoms from plantar fasciitis, which can help prevent heel spurs.
Plantar Fasciitis:
Plantar Fasciitis is most commonly associated with heel pain. The Plantar Fascia is the ligament that attaches your heel bone to your toes. This ligament is usually strained by people who spend a lot of time on their feet. You know you've strained your Plantar Fascia when you experience pain in the heel or the back of the foot. Another key indicator is if your feet begin to hurt when you take your first steps in the morning.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Heel Spurs:
The last thing you want to feel when you get up in the morning is shooting pains in your heels. If you’re an avid runner or someone who is on their feet all day long, you’ve probably experienced some level of heel pain. Heel spurs, also known as calcaneal spurs, are shelf-shaped calcium build-ups on the heel bone that irritate the fatty tissues on the heel and cause pain.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
You feel this pain in the ball of your foot. Wrong fitting shoes are the usual cause. But you might get it from strenuous activity, such as running or jumping. It’s sometimes called a stone bruise as well.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Morton’s Neuroma:
This condition causes a thickening of the tissue around the nerves between the bases of the toes (usually between the third and fourth toes). You typically feel pain, odd sensations or numbness over the ball of your foot. Women are more likely to have this condition. It can be a result of wearing high heels or tight shoes.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Fallen Arches:
Fallen Arches or flat feet, are caused when the arches of the feet flatten out (often when standing or walking), causing foot pain and other problems. Flat feet can be treated with orthotics, shoe adjustments, rest or physical therapy.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
A hammertoe is when your second, third, or fourth toe bends at the middle joint, creating a hammer-like appearance. It can come from a muscle imbalance, but it can also be brought on by wearing ill-fitting shoes.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
A bunion is a bony bulge along the edge of the foot, next to the base of the big toe. It causes misalignment of the first toe joint caused by wearing ill-fitting or uncomfortable shoes. It often shows up as people get older. Try changing to more comfortable shoes or wearing orthotics.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Corns and Calluses:
Corns are thick build-ups of tough skin on a point of irritation or pressure on the foot or toe. Calluses are wider areas of tough skin build-up on the toes or feet. They happen as a result of irritation or pressure. Calluses and corns are generally caused by poor-fitting footwear.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Claw Toe:
Claw toe is when your toe points down or up and is unable to straighten. Without special footwear or orthotics to accommodate the claw toe, you may develop irritation and calluses.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )
Achilles Tendonitis:
Claw toe is when your toe points down or up and is unable to straighten. Without special footwear or orthotics to accommodate the claw toe, you may develop Achilles tendonitis causes inflammation and damage of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the large tendon located in the back of the leg that inserts into the heel.... (READ MORE UNDER BLOG )