Metatarsalgia - Is pain in the ball of the foot. It is usually more noticeable and sore when the individual stands or moves.
There may be a burning or shooting pain, or a sharp aching, and there may be tingling or numbness in the toes. It can affect the area near the toes and the ball of the foot. Pain may be worse on flexing the toes.
To ease pain and treat the condition using orthotics, to reallocate pressure, improve foot function, and protect the ball of the foot.
High-heeled shoes should be avoided and shoes should not be too tight, and there should be adequate support and cushioning, preferably with a wide fitting shoe. Cushioned orthotics can help prevent or relieve pain.
Maintaining a healthy body weight will reduce pressure on the feet. People who are recovering from injuries should make sure they comply with their GP and rest as much as possible. Not treating metatarsalgia, or returning too soon to activities, can lead to complications.
Powerstep SlenderFit Fashion Insoles
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